the yin to my yang.
boxing: yoga. yin: yang. fight: flow. equilibrium.
There is a focus involved in boxing that is like nothing else. It is an unrivaled intensity that requires a fierce - ness, a guttural force, an action that is intended to cause impact on someone or something. I box because it requires my 100% focus; focus on the breath, the movement, the combination, the impact, the trainer or opponent, the rhythm, the cadence, the music…the focus on everything EXCEPT my thoughts.
yin : yang --- boxing: yoga
I typically detest partner work in boxing class because participants are of different levels and I am there for 45 minutes and I am there to work. That isn’t to say that everyone else doesn’t have the same intention, but everyone is of different levels. Recently, though, I shifted my mindset around such partner work. I am now focused and often look to pair with someone that is a beginner, whom I can help, or push harder, maybe teach something and even potentially inspire. Today I boxed with Molly. It certainly wasn’t Molly’s first class but she hadn’t had one-on-one training and was relatively new. Regardless, we paired together and I pushed her thru the 3 minute round, holding her accountable to get thru the series regardless of trepidation.
The combination was jab-cross-hook-cross-jab-cross-duck-cross-jab-jab-cross — repeated over and over without breaks. Molly hesitated throughout but I held her accountable and she did the same to me. We pushed thru and focused together. It was inspiring to see her commit. I was inspired to help push her through and we were both relieved when it was over. The focus required for both of us to persevere was what makes boxing so powerful. It is the fight – the struggle – the perseverance…regardless of the outcome.
Yin: Yang – Boxing: Yoga. As I see it - yoga requires the exact opposite focus. It requires the focus on detaching from all thoughts. It too is a moving meditation, but a moving meditation with a focus on nothing but looking inward – focus on clearing the mind, thru the flow of body with flow of breath.
“Flow thru the fight. Fight thru the flow.” – I have had to remind myself of all of this as I persevere thru my most recent project that is taking longer than expected to bring to life. But with that said, it is in motion. And I will persevere. If I stop fighting myself thru it. Stay tuned.