

When you are present, you can manifest anything.

I woke up yesterday feeling connected - different than usual: out of my routine + Into just feeling. In the smallest of ways, I made change - breakfast smoothie instead of egg whites...I scurried to yoga by 630 + flowed, popped into a boxing class, i fought + i felt.
I took in new energy + let go of stale thoughts.
I ran into old friends + made new ones.
And skated thru the line at Trader Joes, All before 9am.

I had someone on my mind - an acquaintance who posted on FB about recently losing a relative, I wanted to give her a hug.  Bouncing thru Soho, I ran right into her.  New York city is a big place, but energy is everything. I manifested that feeling + it came to be.

Pep in my step, I took on meetings + me time. #workhard + #livyoung = #balance.

I ran to teach my 6:30pm box + flow with my new playlist in my ears so I could connect to my music before I used it for the crowd. Out of routine, I forgot to take my daily photo of the front door. It was officially my first class since opening that a student (*classpass) walked out of. Out of my control, I let it go + moved on.

With little time to spare, I ran home to get dressed for a blind date with no expectation. No plan on what I was wearing, I walked out wearing the first thing I put on, confident in my skin with less worry about what was on it. Feeling good from within.

I arrived to the restaurant steps in front of Jake Gyllenhall — my celebrity crush. Manifestation is real. Unfocused on Jake + present on my date, i stayed out past bed time -- connected to conversation, disconnected from distraction. There is little time to think when you are ‘woke,’ as they say.
Alive, present, Autopilot off. Connection on.
Present in my ability to manifest my thoughts + dreams.
Magic is manifestable.

Connection is ease, flow — not resistance.
It is a feeling.
Where do you feel connected? With whom? Doing what?
Im not asking for answers.
Im asking you to feel.

Feeling is part of the human experience.
Planning is part of the human dilemma.
What happens when you stop worrying about the future + start feeling the now?
What might you manifest then?
Try it on.