In times right before growth – I feel like this most.
As the universe pushes me closer To ME, and I resist Because I don’t know that ME, yet.
This photo is of fear. Of growth. But I hold greater fear of staying where I am, than not growing at all. So I have a choice, To show up or sit out, hold on or let go Move thru or stay in This feeling. To Commit.
Me? I won’t, I can’t allow myself to get stuck because I know that self induced pain, this feeling too well. And I’m committed to face myself to free myself, To COMMIT constantly to flowthruthefight. But You can’t grow if you don’t know Who you are. So I commit to being here. To learning to listening in Every moment. Every day. To me. To be selfish so I can be selfless. The messier, sexier, stronger, more grounded more present version of me is unknown – and the unknown can be unsettling. But when this feeling becomes me, I RECOMMIT, I free myself as a choice, Over and over again. I dive deeper. Don’t be scared. You are becoming — You.
I am the non-negotiable. If I’m not my best self, I can’t be my best for anyone or anything else. She asked, Were you always this way? Putting you first? No but I realized along my way that you You can’t give TO others FROM empty, -- loveyourself first.
We fear commitment because we fear future. It feels final. But commitment to self is your gateway to life, but I didn’t know what that meant. I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW WHO I WAS. But I was good at being good at everything. Running a team building 18 restaurants globally by day, dating all the wrong men by night + cooking dinner parties for 14 in stilettos simultaneously. I woke up at 5am for therapy ie box + flow to stay grounded But inside I was empty, and the job became empty, and the relationships – albeit powerful, wealthy perfect on paper husband material were empty. And then I got stuck. And stayed there. Like this photo. And I couldn’t move thru. I didn’t know what was wrong because everything was Fine. But everything was wrong. I was EXISITING, in pain – not LIVing in power. I was letting my pain control me. I needed to recommit to my life, to myself.
3 years ago I got real. I dove in. I cut the fat – the extra, the job, the man, the habits, the excuses. I faced myself to free myself. I became me. It took a while. but I'm so glad I’m here. And nothing can take me away from me --- except me. So the only thing i fear, is myself. Because in fear – I become this, I get small. I start seeking out and stop looking in I take on resistance, with ease. I choose pain, over power, I get stuck in my head. Because I know the only way to grow Is to let it be simple, take on my self induced resistance with ease, and flow thru the fight. I know that I must tell myself what I tell others, and show up or sit out. Dance thru the fire Olivia, just like you do every day. Commit.
And sometimes it feels easier to stay In the dark, in the fear, in the comfort or complacency And self lubricate Instead of flowing forward, But there is no growth there. It is in pain that we FILL our lives instead of FUEL our time. It is in boredom or comfort that I grab the early or extra glass of wine, Text Trouble- the ex or Worse, the emotionally unavailable man. Limiting my joy by choosing instant gratification instead—anything to fill my EMPTY space, to take my mind off the now.
But the commitment isn’t to business or relationship or body. The commitment Is to me. And the same commitment that propels me Is the one that haunts me – my darkness, this photo Because I am resilient. I am strong. I have the will to win the want for more. That fire that fuels me Also stands in my way, if I let it. So I commit to diving deeper, Again and again every moment to My heart beat. My body. My mind. My breath. My energy. Love yourself first or nothing else will love you.
Your commitment is to you – not your work, or your relationship, or your extra. Because Doing what you do doesn’t define you, but BEING who you are does. You are How you fuel yourself – with words, with food, with love. You are your energy.
Fuel your life OR fill your time. LIV or exist. Show up or Sit Out. Commit Again and again, To be your best self Your true self Your sexy is messy real raw self because You are your power. your commitment. You are your Life. Put in the hard work to LIVYOUNG. (Box + flow is my tool, my practice, my hardwork) But hard work isn’t just physical, it is holistic. You have to know you to grow you. you have to get REAL with who YOU is. All of you - the dark and the light. Because that pain, the growth, becomes your power. COMMIT. You were born ready. So was I. We got this. #flowthruthefight and Celebrate always.
#workhard #livyoung #loveyourself