Love Stories with Task Rabbits

It’s wild what happens when we stop wishing for what we want and realize what we have. I’ve always wanted to live where the wild things are, and so I had this gorgeous wallpaper hanged on my bedroom wall — and with it, realized that I am a wild thing! And so I’m living my dream … in a jungle scene. I brought my dream to me.

In every sense of the word, it was wild — hanging it at least. I ordered it via Etsy, from Poland, which was smooth sailing. When it arrived, I hired a task rabbit. He arrived, poor timing on me, I had just taken a phone call that was emotionally jarring, in my feelings, to put it gently. Levi was kind enough to offer returning another time or step out should I need a moment. “Thank you,” I replied, but no need, proceed. I gave him space to do his thing and did mine via phone simultaneously. In the heat of it, he put the panels in the wrong places and somehow crumpled the paper, ruining. Who knew the panels were numbered? And that the tigers needed to be perfect placement? “How much to replace it?” He asked, gererously. The phone call, and the wall, were equally important to me, but I didn’t once let my emotion infringe on the task rabbiting …

With a bit of space, breath, and patience, it all worked out swimmingly. The paper un-crumpled, the removable wallpaper was moved where it was meant to be. The power of teamwork, finesse and trusting.

I can imagine it wasn’t easy to do work in a strangers home while she was on the phone crying. But Levi took on the task without hesitating. Upon finishing, I thanked him profusely for both completing his beautiful task and respecting my “overt” privacy. And so he stopped to share his own story of his current, second wife, and four year old son, how his first marriage ended in messy divorce, how life gets hard and you just ideally grow together, “find your flow, I said. He agree, “ideally.” We shared stories and pleasantries.

This experience wasn’t so different from the task rabbit who helped me move previously, Who also shared his intimacy with me, that he’d recently found out his live in girlfriend was cheating, via photos of her in leopard lingerie “at some party,” and through tears he told me I was the first he’d shared with because he was too ashamed to tell his family. Can you imagine how hard it was to hold onto pain — that pain has to be released! I felt his sadness. We hugged. I was so grateful he felt safe with me: The kindness of strangers. A reminder to be kind because we never know what another is experiencing.

My open heart invited their opening, not so different from this story I shared recently. But relevant and with it the ever reminder that we’re all just humans with feelings, who just want to be heard, felt, seen, loved unconditionally. To be in our hearts means sharing and listening vulnerably. I too need that reminder often — to just hold space without judging. Because we are all worthy simply, because. I don’t think love can be defined, actually. Love, if we choose to feel it, just is Everything.

Love is life,
Love is wild,
Love is free
Start feeling
Start sharing
Own your wild
Start living.

**and if you’re wondering about my green Oscar the Grouch lamp, he’s here to remind me, in the event I wake up in less love and more grumpy, that I’m not alone :)

…If you’re ready — I’m ready for you. Waiting until the New Year is just holding back on your capacity. I have two coaching spots available for the first quarter of 2023. Book your free consultation, here.

Love always, Olivia

**and a beautiful quote I saw by Jack Kerouac below via @__nitch

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