Octopus, Squash, Radicchio


1 can Matiz Octopus
Delicata Squash, seeds reserved
Mixed Greens
Dijon Mustard
Lemon or Sherry Vinegar
Coconut Amino Acids
Squash Seeds, toasted

Slice squash, roast in oven 350 degrees or cook stove top in coconut oil until softened + browned. Add raddicchio to wilt + coconut amino acids — a few sprinkles for taste. Use some of the reserved oil from octopus, add 1tsp dijon mustard + sherry vin to emulsify. Top Mixed greens + radicchio with squash. Toss with vinaigrette + octopus. Add toasted seeds on top. Cracked pepper. Serve.

Olvia YoungComment