How To Manifest
January rolled around and everyone wanted to tell everyone else, “How To Manifest.” I’m tardy to the party … or if you've lost faith, right on time. My experience manifesting has been more literal really, than sitting on a cushion and waiting for the universe to deliver serenity (although I certainly believe in the power of prayer). But you don’t have to launch off to the ether to attract like minded energy.
I take manifesting literally. Years ago, when I was experiencing fight in my life, I started boxing to release my fight and find more flow. On my yoga mat, I let myself feel everything. Enter Box + Flow, an amalgamation, or rather a literal manifestation of facing fight to find flow from bag to mat and then into life. I wanted to heal others as I was healing. Enough fight, and finally feeling light — flow, I wanted more love in my life, so I started wearing LOVE on everything. Every sweatshirt, stacks of bracelets, heart earrings.
My version of manifesting? Do it. Box a heavy bag to find your flow. Want love? Wear love. Be lovely. And yep, love has arrived … and keeps arriving in everything, which gets tricky. Because when you are love, its easy to fall in love everywhere with everyone, which makes things sticky. Speaking of which, I kiss my Honey jar every morning, paying homage to my late grandmother Honey, whose presence I feel constantly. No doubt, I’ve manifested her spirit too in my devotion to her energy.
You need not sit on a cushion or shoot off to some ether to manifest your desires or dreams. Further, magic doesn’t occur in the presence of expectation. So, my advice? Just be. Be love. But first, face yourself to free yourself, rid yourself of your suffering — a heavy bag and gloves are a powerful too to move energy. Then find your mat, be and breathe. When we direct our energy with intention, energy flows in that direction.
Watch "HOW TO MANIFEST" here.
In my own journey, I’ve found music to play a big role in manifesting the presence of God, energy, magic, spirit or whatever you’d like to call it. “Please God show me …” And what I wished for he delivered pretty quickly and quite literally. There are signs everywhere, if we slow down to receive.
A while back leaving a botox appointment, my intuition told me to drive east. That the query of my mind could be answered quite quickly. And so I listened to my inner knowing. Within minutes, the question I was pondering - or rather the answer, showed up right in front of me, on an Austin street. I don’t believe in coincidence. That darling, is divine timing. WILD! As I sat in awe and a bit of nervous energy, I breathed, found my seat and thanked God for showing me, a bit shook heart beating rapidly. And then my elbow hit my steering wheel and the car started talking, “Siri, play Beatles, Let it Be.” And the song started playing. I had my answer. God showed me exactly what I needed to see and that my answer was not just right in front of me, but that it was time to let it be, to let it go, to keep driving …Believe.
Earlier this weekend, I was heading out for tacos at my favorite East Side spot, De Nada, freshly showered when my phone began buzzing, wildly. The barrage of phone calls was a random date, my bestie, my concierge and then another caller, who became an unexpected visitor … Suffice it to say, I would be tardy to my taco party. Rushing, I gunned it to the East Side, ironically while playing one of my recent favorites, Don’t Rush by Da Baby. A yellow truck pulled in front of me as I was half rushing, half racing, half dancing — with his right blinker in the left lane. Strange, I thought, but was too caught up rushing to stop. Until I realized he was a wide load turning my way. It took all my might to stop the car, and all of God’s blessings to save me — because I ignored his message via music, Don’t Rush, previously. Thankfully, I was ok — in the nick of time, my car stopped and I continued going on my way. No taco is worth crashing into a truck for, or rushing to. And a bit late is better than a big crash, always.
Stop rushing. Trust the magic of timing - of the universe, of the lyrics stuck in your head or otherwise.
There is always something to learn, when we listen closer.
And so, if there is something you hope to manifest, I suggest keeping it simple and literal.
If you want love, wear it.
If you want flow, slow down, move with more ease.
Ask for what you want via prayer.
Honor what you have via gratitude.
Listen, slow down, breathe. And trust that it will all work out because life is happening for you not to you.
If you are ready to find more clarity in your life, more connection to the divine, via deeper feminine collaboration, and start manifesting the life of your dreams, join me in my inaugural women’s group, .launching March 1.
Few spots left. Book a 15 minute discovery call here.
With Vday Coming Up, some empowerment, for my Ladies, Buy The Lingerie.
and never ever subscribe to a dress code, because it "makes sense" if it makes sense to you.
Love always,