What's Your Excuse

The space between what we have, and what we want, is filled with our excuses. 

Think about it — where you are, and where you want to be, is potentially a paper cut, a small gap, or a gaping hole. Doesn’t matter, actually. Try not to judge yourself. But consider that the filling, is made up of a stew of, “It’s not the right time,” “I’ll do it when …” “I don’t know how …” “I don’t have time…” “It’s not THAT important …”
Sound familiar? 

So, what’s your excuse? How often do you find yourself wanting something — desiring, be it a BIG thing: a different job, a career, a passion, a relationship, a trip, LOVE, or a SMALLer thing: a new hobby, a drink with an old friend, to call your family, learn to cook a new recipe, take a dance class … Only to make an excuse not to? 

Consider that somewhere in your little heart, you might subconsciously be self sabotaging … deciding you’re not fully worthy of having what you really want, not fully worthy of your full potential. 

 I’ve been working on a book project for a while. And it wasn’t until recently that I was fully capable of finishing but the unknown, and too much attachment to the finished product becomes crippling. And then the excuses start coming, “I don’t know what it looks like, if it will be sold, and if it isn’t if I’ll self publish …” The unknown creates space for excuses.  So what’s filling the space between wanting it and having it? Well, it’s hardAF to sit with your stories, but that’s just another excuse. I do hard things. 
But the truth is that somewhere deep in me is a little girl that doesn’t know if she’s worthy of finishing. “Who’d want to read it anyway? Who cares?…” And then my intuition, my knowing, reminds me that if my story can just help one other face themselves to free themselves, learn themselves to love them, then I’m doing my job. And then I start writing again … And I'm committed to finishing the first draft by January 1, 2023. Accountability is key. 

 Dreams and limiting beliefs are very real things. But there’s more.

When I was younger, I wanted to be on Broadway, to act, dance, sing. but life had other plans for me — particularly events that  “took my voice away,” my confidence in tandem, trauma, and so I became more quiet. I hid my heart behind my ego, strengthened my body, but also spiraled into a long road of self hate and self sabotage, which I shared briefly, here. But that is no longer my story. In healing, I am deeply called to use my voice to help others in their suffering, in their limiting beliefs, in their self sabotage, to become more embodied, stop existing and start living. Using my voice looks like a book -- but also through my podcast, and more formal speaking. I've always had the same goal, but initially hid it behind boxing bags and leotards at  box + flow, because at the time, I'd only associated healing with the physical. I didn't even know the depth of my story. 
But that was also not easy. For months, after committing, my fear resulted in me spinning, until I finally got the courage to sign my first lease, albeit not having ever taught a class before. And once the place opened, and people started coming — in my first sold out class, I felt the magic. 22 people fought and flowed, found their fight, faced it, and found their breath, and let it go.
In that moment, my excuses went up in smoke: it wasn't about proving to others, it was about me realizing that I was worthy, of succeeding. Void of excuses. And I did. 

Our excuses limit our experiences. 

And our excuses are also our decisions — to stay out and party, using substances to numb so we can’t create clearly leading to, “I’ll just start tomorrow ….” Filling ourselves instead of fueling us forward. This is self sabotaging. Lucky for me, these days, I have to actually push myself to play with others because I’ve fallen in love with my own company. But I still wake up sporadically, worrying. 
And instead of grabbing my phone to scroll, I simply breathe. And speak the words I need to hear to myself, out loud, slowly: 

I am love. 
I am abundance.
I am worthy. 

I do this often. 
While I’m running, walking, drinking decaf coffee. 
I shared yesterday my #1 diet hack on IG. 

Tell yourself what you need to hear, You are your most captivating audience. YOU ARE LISTENING!!

So, what is holding you back from living fully?  How big is the space between what you have and what you want? 
How often do you excuse yourself? 

Where is the hurt?
https://www.instagram.com/p/ClxAC0Mjqe8/The half ass-ing ?
The opinion asking?
The distracting? 
The cocktail instead of doing the work.  The snack instead of doing the work out. 
The text to the ex instead of actively dating yourself? Are you FILLING your empty or FUELING? 

I’ve shared my excuse, void of shame, now I dare you to face your own. Imagine a life where you’re committed fully to shrinking that space, filled with naysaying and self sabotage and unworthy? And instead fill it with LOVE, void of fear, meeting ourselves where we already are?In our hearts. But to live in our hearts, we have to face our darkness — the self sabotage, limiting beliefs, younger hurt versions of us hiding in shadow, to find our light. It’s there. It always has been. If you want help, I’m here for it :) Everything we need is inside. Happy Monday, Love Always,

If you are interested in my inaugural women's group: book a free 20 minute consult here.
If you are interested in LIVING, I have 1 1:1 coaching spot: book a free 20 minute consult here.
Self love takes time. This is an act of self love.
Email olivia@livyoung.co with questions.
I can't wait to get to know you better. 

Olvia YoungComment