LOVE Hacks: Date Nights & Selfies

Some say LIFE HACKS, I prefer LOVE HACKS — simple ways to find more love, to feel more love within.
Love Hack #1: Take Yourself Out. Sounds simple, it is. And so I did. I spent too much of yesterday contemplating a yes to a second date that I wasn’t super interested in realizing that I was just saying yes because I wanted company.
But did I? No, actually, when I thought about it, it felt like more effort and ease. Really, I just wanted a taco at my favorite East Side haunt. And so, I said no. And took myself out for a taco instead. Which brings me to
Love Hack #2: Take a Selfie. 

I didn’t allow my picture to be taken until I was about 28. I literally covered my face… When I was ready to be seen, I discovered the selfie. And posted them habitually. I remembered thinking, what a gift -- to actually see me! And yet the posting was as much as about self celebration as my unmet need — my need to be seen, because of a deep seated unworthy. 

In September 2020, just before my 2nd plant medicine ceremony, I caught my reflection in the mirror looking back at me, my eyes met me and for the first time in my life I heard the voice inside loudly, “Olivia, you’re beautiful, no matter what happens tonight, you’re beautiful, remember that.” And that was the ceremony I pulled up my first traumatic memory. My soul held me— higher knowing that I would be alright because I had me. 

Fast forward to my first Ayahuasca journey in December 2021 when the medicine, grandma aya merged with me and I sat for hours in a mirror of sorts both facing my darkness and feeling my light. A journey of love to lose me and find me. When I returned home, I caught my gaze again in the mirror and my soul said, “Love, It was always you. I always knew …” Facing my darkness was how I began learning how to love me. And yesterday, was a true full circle moment, holding others as I held myself, when a client called me to tell me that for the first time this weekend, she saw herself as beautiful through her own eyes. That felt like a major win for her, and me. 
As I continue walking the path, I know longer fixate on external, because now I know that our internal world is what reflects externally. We are only as vibrant outside, as alive, as we feel inside. Everything We Need is Inside and yet learning to love our insides, embracing ourselves, all sides, is what shines externally. 

So, take yourself on a date, and take that selfie: Celebrate the skin you live in as a reflection of the self love you feel internally.  Show yourself, you are here to see and be seen, but it starts with how you see yourself ultimately.
Learn you to love you and stay tuned for love hack #3. And more self love workshops IRL and digitally. xx

Love always, Olivia

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